State: | Wyoming |
City: | Cheyenne |
Address: | 2202 Westland Rd |
Zip code: | 82009 |
Make: | Honda |
Model: | Odyssey |
Body type: | Minivan |
Year: | 2003 |
Mileage: | 111540 |
Interior color: | Gray |
Exterior color: | Red |
Transmission: | 5 Speed Automatic |
Engine: | V6, 3.5L |
Trim Level: | EX |
Body Type: | 4 Door Van |
Manufacturer: | Honda Manufacturing of Alabama LLC |
Production Seq. Number: | 018122 |
Fuel Type: | Gasoline |
Horsepower: | 240HP |
Engine Code: | L1 |
Drive Line Type: | FWD |
Vehicle Type: | Van |
Vehicle Class: | Mini Van |
Brake System: | Hydraulic |
Country: | UNITED STATES |
GVWR Class: | Class D: 5,001-6,000 lb |
Check Digit: | X |
JATO: | 156937 |
MPG: | A5:16-23-19 |
Type: | Car |
The Odyssey continues to be the best minivan sold in America. Excellent crash test scores, huge interior, fold-flat third-row seat, powerful V6, optional navigation and entertainment system.
Air Conditioning
Cruise Control
Power Locks
Power Seats
Power Steering
Power Windows
Rear Defroster
Tilt Steering Wheel